

 Today was pretty good for me . I finally finished my project for my math class . Ok so I actually thought the project for mr Rease class was going to be hard but it actually wasn’t . I don’t know why when I hear project I get scared lol . Today that project was very easy it was only copy  and paste , so that was pretty easy. I had a great semester and it’s going to all end tomorrow and I am sort of glad it’s over though . 


 I was one of the students that complain yesterday without doing the assignment lol... I don’t know why but when I hear project I just think it’s something hard to do . We actually really didn’t do much though . Mr Rease went over the work of yesterday.after that he went over the work to today . It wasn’t  much to do so today was good . 


 Today was good until i heard we had a project in here . I would Honestly would take 3 final in your class but this project is not it . I'm taking 3 courses from dual enrollment that started today so this project is not it.  I'm atleast glad is not difficult so that's ok i guess. I am honestly so glad that school is over for us soon so i'm glad. It was a good day overall i just didn't like the project been anounced like that .


 Today was a very fast class for all of my classes . This semester was a good semester in the class . I would say the school should never give this course for only half a semester, because there’s a lot to cover and few months is not helpful. The platform that we had school on was just not it for me . I had to discipline myself to wake up in time and actually pay attention to a screen for like 8 hrs . I wear glasses bc I do have eyes problem And I’m sure my vision is even worse now . I just didn’t feel as if that was for me, and yea I could have went to school when it was open but the semester was practically over so it wouldn’t make sense for me to come . As a teacher Mr. Rease was pretty decent I would say . He didn’t over beat us with work , or like tell us to do unnecessary work . Which was pretty great for me because I do a lot as whole . For future reference, he needs to teach rhetorical analysis essay first because that’s definitely the hardest for me . Apart from that I don’t r


 Today was very interesting!. So boom I’m suppose to wake up at like 5 something but my alarm didn’t wake me up , I woke up at 6 something but I’m not a morning person so I have to wake up earlier to really take my time getting ready. Fast forward me getting to school I thought I was going to be late but I was the first one there and it was just awkward.I was mentally ready I had an apple sauce and apple fir breakfast Ik it’s the same fruit but still , I don’t usually eat breakfast in the morning. So we start the test at first time was going slow then when I started actually getting to test it started going mad fast. But I used Arian strategy I made the test interesting by putting my self in it mentally but the passages was soo boring and really confusing because of how they worded it . Now the essay pheww , I did ok on the first essay , the rhetorical essay i am not even going to lie I didn’t do good because I didn’t really and when I did start to really write it was time for me to mo


 Today was very chill for all my classes but I really didn’t do much . Umm today wasn’t a good day for me because a lot happen. Most of it is personal. But tomorrow is the big day !!!. I’m not really ready but I guess I’m looking forward to it . I’m going to sleep early which is already good . I’m a little excited I took this dual enrollment course and passed so I’m not too pressure. But if I can pass here and eliminate 1102 that would be great !. I wanted to also say mr Rease my 1101 teacher didn’t teach us . We didn’t have lesson at all she just gave us essays and work with no explanation so don’t expect to go into college expecting them to teach you you’re going to be very disappointed because I definitely was .


 Today was very fast. We didn’t really do much well atleast I didn’t do much for school . My teacher went over strategies on how to be a better test . After he went over that he finish going over essays explanation of student . I left because he did mines already. So today my sister  and I decided to run to get our body right we did 5 laps but I was mad tired manlike I couldn’t but I did it . After I took a cold bathe because if I didn’t I’m going to be mad sore .