
 Today was very interesting!. So boom I’m suppose to wake up at like 5 something but my alarm didn’t wake me up , I woke up at 6 something but I’m not a morning person so I have to wake up earlier to really take my time getting ready. Fast forward me getting to school I thought I was going to be late but I was the first one there and it was just awkward.I was mentally ready I had an apple sauce and apple fir breakfast Ik it’s the same fruit but still , I don’t usually eat breakfast in the morning. So we start the test at first time was going slow then when I started actually getting to test it started going mad fast. But I used Arian strategy I made the test interesting by putting my self in it mentally but the passages was soo boring and really confusing because of how they worded it . Now the essay pheww , I did ok on the first essay , the rhetorical essay i am not even going to lie I didn’t do good because I didn’t really and when I did start to really write it was time for me to move on to the last essay . I did pretty fairly on the last essay I will a little bit confident on the argumentative essay in my opinion sheesh I have never wrote this much on here . After the test my head and hands was hurting. I don’t why the had the Ac on knowing we was testing , personally I like the cold but I feel like when we’re testing the room needs to be lukewarm bc it being cold made me sleepy and ontop of that it was already raining so it was even worse for me . Like what if I went to sleep and didn’t do my test I mean i guess it would be on me but still. Overall it wasn’t that bad for me , because I had a horrible idea of how it was going to be so yea ( side note some words here are in-proper, because I was really conversating with myself but not I’m a weird way lol ...) 


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